Sani Derm Aftercare
Sani-Derm is a thin, transparent adhesive bandage that ensures the body heals itself in the most efficient way possible.
Most commonly used in hospitals (TEGADERM) is used for many purposes such as burns, IV’s, it is also used as a second skin application over sores and can even be used in place of stitches.
The healing agents produced by the body are far superior to any lotion or ointment, but most of these enzymes are lost to evaporation. Sani-Derm preserves and locks in these natural healing enzymes and, in turn, provides an optimal healing experience. Not only does Sani-Derm accelerate healing, but colors heal brighter and blacks heal blacker. When used properly, Sani-Derm will eliminate scabbing and reduce scarring, both of which can lead to distortion and loss of color. Sani-Derm ensures your art stays bright and true… Keeping it clean is simple.
Although Sani-Derm is promoted as waterproof – you can bathe and shower as normal, we don’t suggest swimming with it on as it might weaken the adhesive.
Sani-Derm’s adhesive will not attach to the weeping area of a tattoo, therefore it can never damage or pull out ink. In fact, reports suggest that the colors of tattoos remain more vibrant after using Sani-Derm, compared to tattoos that have healed by other aftercare products.
This piece of Saniderm is best to be left on your new tattoo for 8 to 48 hours minimally. Since everyone heals differently the length of time will depend on how much fluid your tattoo weeps, which will affect the adhesion of Sani-Derm.
Many people choose to remove the original piece of Sani-Derm after the first 1-2 days for aesthetic purposes and then apply a second piece and leave on for an additional 4-6 days.
There is no harm in leaving the original bandage on longer than the 48 hours, the fluid inside is ideal for your healing.
As long as the integrity of the Sani-Derm is not compromised, such as leaking outside of the bandage or rolling back to expose the tattoo, you should be fine to keep it on. If at any point you notice the bandage leaking ink, blood or any other fluid, or if the bandage is exposing your tattoo, you MUST remove the Sani-Derm bandage ASAP as it it now being exposed to air and increases your risk of infection.
Optimally it is best to keep the original piece on for up to 6 days maximum if possible.
Saniderm is both latex free and hypoallergenic, so allergic reactions are very rare. Some people, however, have very sensitive skin and may be allergic to adhesives(Tape, bandages, etc). If you experience a rash, abnormal skin irritation, or other symptoms of an allergic reaction, discontinue use and wash with mild soap. Consult a physician if necessary. Sani-Derm should never be used on infected skin.
To Remove Saniderm
carefully, peel the Saniderm back gently from the edge. Warm, soapy water will help break down the adhesive. It may be helpful to pull the bandage straight out to to the side tostretch and release the adhesive. After removing bandage clean all access adhesive from area gently but thoroughly. The tattoo should be mostly healed, although some areas may still be in the initial stages of healing.
Pick up with normal aftercare where you are in the healing process provided in post recovery pamphlet.
once bandage is removed general aftercare for the next 3 weeks is as follows
keep your new tattoo clean – and moisturized – 3-4 times daily – more if necessary if itching or irritating you
avoid clothing that might rub against your tattoo as it is possible to rub parts off as the tattoo is not fully healed yet!
Avoid pools, hot-tubs or bathtubs as they increase the risk of washing your tattoo out – and causing an infection.
It will take atleast until the 3rd week where you will regrow a very thin layer of skin protecting your new tattoo – you still need to protect your healing tattoo by moisturizing and maintaining healthy skin.
it takes 3 months to fully heal. – continue to moisturize daily for general tattoo maintenance moisturizing daily increases the life of your tattoo, keeping it looking fresh and new like the day you got it. Neglecting to do this will cause the tattoo to fade and degrade with exposure to sun/water and inclement weather.
Once you have left the tattoo parlor, the tattoo is your responsibility
Clean & moisturize your new tattoo after bandage removal daily for the following 2 weeks (14 days)
Absolutely NO direct sunlight on the tattoo.
NO Bathing
NO Swimming
NO Hot Tub
NO Sauna
NO Steam Room
NO Gym or excessive workouts
DO NOT pick or scratch at your new tattoo
NO shaving or waxing tattoo area until the tattoo is completely healed.
foot/leg ankle tattoo – no pedicures for 1 month
DO NOT apply alcohol, Vaseline petroleum jelly or sun block to your fresh tattoo.
DO NOT listen to friends or so-called tattoo experts. You may get misleading and conflicting information. When in doubt, go back to your tattoo artist for the last word.
Wear loose clothing that does not rub the tattooed area
Watch for signs of infection, you’re not super human and even though we here at Ink Is Art have undergone several methods of caution to ensure a sterile environment for you to get tattooed in, the rest of the world is not. And you have a fresh wound that can get infected easily. Please follow this aftercare to aid in prevention of infection as well as heal your tattoo perfectly.
For more information please read the rest of this brochure on any of the topics listed above!